Y. The Functions:
¯. Expresses an activity or situation that occurred or didn’t occur
before now, at some a specific time in the past.
Jhine has already eaten lunch.
¯. Expresses the repetition of an activity before now.
I have drunk tree glasses of water today.
¯. When it used with For and Since, expresses a situation that
began in the past and continuo to the present.
I’ve been here since 7 o’clock.
¯. Finished events connected with the present. → {“MS”
I can’t go on holiday because I have broken my leg.
¯. Giving new information or announcing a recent happening. → {“R”
E.g.: Ooow!!! I have cut my finger.
¯. Talking the first time something has happened.
Don is having a driving lesson. He’s very nervous and unsure because it’s his
first lesson.
Or It’s the first time he has driven a
car. (not, drives)
¯. It always tells something about now.
To has lost his key = he doesn’t have his key now.
Y. Time Signal:
•. We used it
with (today, this morning, this evening,
this week, this month, this year).
*. When these periods are not finished at
the time of speaking.
•. We can use it
with (just, already, and yet):
*. Just = a short time ago or that has done in
few minutes before now.
*. Already = saying something happed sooner than expected or
finished faster than somebody guests.
*. Yet = until now and shows the speaker is expecting
something to happen. Used in (?)and (-).
Using SINCE and FOR
since eight o’clock.
I have been here
since may
since 1989
since January 3,2009
*. Since is followed by the mention of a specific point in time.
*. Since expresses that idea that something began at a specific
time in the past and
continuous to the present.
A. I’m living here since may.
B. I live here since may.
C. I lived here since may.
I was here since may
. Incorrect sentence
*. Since isn’t used in:
A. Present
B. Simple Present (verbal / nominal)
C. Simple Past
(verbal /nominal)
*. I have lived here since I was a child.
(present perfect) (simple
*. Since I was a child, I have lived here.
*. Since may also introduce a
time clause (time signal).
*. Notice: The present
perfect is used in the main clause.
The simple past is used in the since
for ten
for two
I have been here
for many years.
for a long
for almost six
*. For is followed by the mention of a length of time/ duration
*. Notice: If the noun ends in -s (hours, days, weeks).
Use For
in the time expression, not Since.
1. I have lived here for two years. I moved here two years ago
and I still live here.
2. I lived in Batam for three months. Now, I don’t live there.
1. Present perfect in the 1st sentence with For
+ a length of time
means that the action
began in the past until present.
2. Simple past means that the action began and ended in the
Note = *. SINCE
+ clause/ phrase *. FOR + phrase
teaching method
sekarang sempurna Aux : have/ has + V3
Mengandung kata Sudah dlm (+) / belum dlm (-) ← PRESENT
PERFECT Time signal
Using since and for
Y. Fungsi: 1. Menyatakan aktifitas yg sudah / belum terjadi di masa lampau.
E.g.: I have eaten dinner or
I haven’t eaten dinner.
2. Menyatakan
aktifitas yg berulang- ulang di masa lampau.
E.g.: He has
gone to my house three times this month.
3. Bila menggunakan Since
For maka fungsinya sama dgn Pre. Perf. Cont.
*. The verbs are (study,
stay, live, work, learn, walk, be)
*. Since Clause: -. I have stayed here since I came from Batam //
Since I came from Batam, I have stayed here.
*. Since Phrase: -. I have been here since two days ago.
*. For Phrase : -. She loved
me for five months.
Y. Rumus: (+). S + Aux (have/ has) + V3 + O E.g.:
They have drunk a glass of coffee, but they’re still sleepy.
(-) . S + Aux + not + V3 + O. E.g.: I haven’t slept yet since last night.
(?). Have/ Has + S +
V3 + O + ?
E.g.: Has she loved me for years?
(-?). Haven’t/
Hasn’t + S + V3 + O + ?
E.g.: Haven’t come to her house and met her parents?
*. Have (they, we, I, you) *. Has
(she, he, it, Jack)
Y. Time Signal: (today, this week, this morning,
this month, this year) T.S masih berlangsung saat
aktifitas berakhir.
Just : saat aktifitas baru
*. Already
: ketika aktifitas terjadi lbh cepat dri yg di perkirakan.
*. Yet : ketika
berharap agar aktifitas terjadi.
*. Ketika Present perfect
menggunakan Since and For maka sama seperti Present Perfect Cotinuous.
The verbs are (stay,
study, learn, walk, work, teach, smoke, wear glasses, play chess, go to
school, non-progressive verbs)
*. Since dpt diikuti dgn
Clausa (kumpulan kata- kata yang terdiri dari S+V dgn Tense Simple
Phrase (kumpulan kata-
kata yang tidak terdiri dari S+V)
*. Since
(untuk menyatakan kapan sebuah aktifitas mulai di kerjakan/ titik pertama
saat di mulai).
*. For hanya diikuti dgn
Phrase (untuk menyatakan durasi sebuah aktifas telah berlangsung).
*. Present Perfect VS Simple Past dgn For:
Perf + For (menandakan
bahwa aktifitas masih berlangsung sampai sekarang)
*. S. Past
+ For (menandakan
bahwa aktifitas tdk lagi di kerjakan sampai sekarang)
*. Cara pembentukan Time Clause (berfungsi seperti Time Signal):
*. Present
Perfect sebagai Main Clause( Independent Clause/ Induk Kalimat)
dan dpt berrdiri sendiri
*. Simple
Past sebagai Time Clause ( Dependent Clause/ Anak
Kalimat) dan tdk dpt berdiri sendiri (seperti T.S).
*. Rumus: #. Main Clause(Pre. Perf) + Time Clause (since
+ S. Past).
E.g.: We
have studied English since we came to Pare two months ago.
#. Time Clause (since + S. Past) + comma + Main Clause (Pre. Perf)
E.g.: Since
we came to Pare two months ago, we
have studied many things of English structures.
*.Note : Keduanya sama- sama terjadi
dimasa lampua tapi hanya beda penekanan. Bila penekanan pada aktifitasnya (Present
penekanan pada waktu kejadiannya (Simple Past).
Jadi bila Present Perfect + a definite time
akan berubah menjadi Simple Past dan bila Simple
Past tanpa diikuti a definite time akan
berubah menjadi Present Perfect.
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