Simple past tense

.  Simple past .
       Y. The Functions:
                        ¯. Used to talk about an activity or situation that began and ended at on particular time in the past.

                        E.g.: It snowed yesterday.

                        ¯. Used to talk about a finished time of an activity (yesterday, ten minutes ago, in 1985, when I was a child).

                        E.g.: The weather was nice yesterday.   

The teaching method
                                                                                                               Aux : did (- / ? / -? )

                 Mengandung kata Sudah dlm (+)  / tidak  dlm (-) SIMPLE PAST            Verb : V2 
                                                                                                                    Time signal (harus)

      *. Did dan V2 tidak akan pernah bertemu dalam satu kalimat di Simple Past, karena Did ( - / ? / -? ) dan V2 ( + ).

      Y. Fungsi:
                       ¯. Menyatakan aktifitas yang terjadi di masa lampau dgn keterangan waktu yang jelas (tdk berlangsung sekarang)

                         E.g.: I went to Surabaya yesterday.

     Y. Rumus:

                       ( + ). S + V2* + O + T.S                                                            E.g.: We ate rice yesterday.

                       ( - ). S + did + not (didn’t) + V1 + O + T.S                               E.g.: We did not eat rice yesterday.

                       ( ? ). Did + S + V1 + O + T.S + ?                                              E.g.: Did we eat rice yesterday?

                       (-?). Didn’t + S + V1 + O + T.S + ?                                          E.g.: Didn’t we eat rice yesterday?

       *. Bahasa Inggris terdiri dari 4 bentuk Verb:

                        1. V1 ( The simple form or The simple present): adalah bentuk pertama yang tidak di akhiri dgn (final -s, -ed, or -ing).

                        2. V2 ( The simple past or The past form): adalah yang berakhiran dgn -ed (regular verbs)

                        3. V3 ( The past participle): adalah yang berakhiran dgn -ed (regular verbs). Digunakan dlm perfect tenses.

                        4. V-ing ( The present participle): di rakhiri dgn -ing (dlm regular / irregular verbs). Digunakan dlm progressive tenses. 

                   *. Verb 2 (Past Form) hanya dalam positive sentence.

                   *. Did untuk semua subject (Did + all subject).

     *. Time Signal: Yesterday, Last + (week, month, year, Tuesday), two days ago, ….. ago.

.  Past continues .
        Y. The Functions:
                        ¯. Says that something was in progress (going on) around a particular past time.

                        E.g.: What were you doing at eight o’clock yesterday evening?

                        ¯. To stress that an activity was in progress at every moment during a period of time.

                        E.g.: I was painting all day yesterday.

                        ¯. Used together with The Simple Past. It’s a short action happed in the middle of the Past progressive.

                        E.g.: As I was walking down the road, I saw Bill. // The telephone rang while I was having dinner.

                        ¯. Like other Progressive forms, is used for temporary actions and situations.

                        E.g.: It happened while was living in Batam last month.

                        ¯. Can be used with (always, continually, forever, and constantly) to talk things repeatedly and  unexpectedly.

                        E.g.: I didn’t like him, he was always borrowing money.

The teaching method
                                                                                                            Aux : was / were

           Mengandung kata (sedang) dlm ( + / - / ? / -? ) PAST CONTINUOUS        Verb: V-ing

                                                                                                                    Time signal (simple past + o’clock)
Y. Fungsi: 1. Aktifitas yg sdg berlangsung di masa lampau di waktu tertentu.
                      E.g.: At eight o’clock last night, I was studying English.

                      2. Menyataan 2 aktifitas berpotongan. (Past Prog VS Simple Past)

                      E.g.: I was walking down the street when it began to rain.

  Y. Rumus: ( + ). S + was/ were + V-ing + O + T.S.                                    E.g.: I was eating at this time last night

                       ( - ). S + was/ were + not + V-ing + O + T.S.                           E.g.: I wasn’t eating at this time last night.

                      ( ? ). Was/ were + S + V-ing + O + T.S + ?                               E.g.: Was I eating at this time last night.

                      (-?). Wasn’t/ weren’t + S + V-ing + O + T.S + ?                      E.g.: Wasn’t I eating at this time last night?

       *. Was di gunakan dlm semua bentuk kalimat dgn subject (I + SOK3T).  
                            E.g.: I, She, He, It, Jack, Susan was teaching me at this time yesterday.

       *. Were di gunakan dlm semua bentuk kalimat dgn subject (They, We, you).

                            E.g.: They, We, You were teaching me at this time yesterday.

       *. Time Signal: at this time yesterday, at the same time yesterday, at….. o’clock yesterday.

Sistem dua kejadian di past tense
P. Cont Vs P. Cont

E.g.: *.  While I was thinking about Irma, she was thinking about me.
                        Time clause                               main clause
*. Bila T.C di depan M.C maka ditambahkan comma setelah T.C.
*. Rumus: T.C (while + P. Cont) + comma + M.C (P. Cont)
 E.g.: *. Irma was thinking about me while I was thinking about me.
                          Main clause                          time clause
*. Tanpa comma bila M.C di depan T.M
*. Rumus: M.C (P. Cont) + T.C (while + P. Cont)

*. Dua aktifitas yg sdg berlangsung di masa lampau dlm waktu yg sama (subject / tempat = beda).
*. Dalam system 2kejadian bersamaan tdk terdapat kejadian pertama / kedua.
*. Tenses ( Past continuous Vs Past Cotinuous ) hanya 1conj (While).
*. (While + Past Cotinuous) menjadi Time Clause (anak kalimat) dan tdk dpt berdiri sendiri.
*. Tidak terdapat K1 // K2.
S. Past Vs P. Cont
While + P. Cont

E.g.: *. While Irma was phoning me, her father called her.
                         Time clause                     main clause
*. Bila T.C didepan M.C maka ditambahkan comma setelah T.C.
E.g.: *. Irma’s father called her while she was phoning me.
                          Main clause                    time clause
*. Tanpa comma bila M.C didepan T.C.
*. While she was phoning me  ( Anak kalimat // Kejadian K1 )
*. Her father called her            ( Induk kalimat // Kejadian K2 )
When + S. Past

E.g.: *. When Irma’s father called her, she was phoning me.
                             Time clause                  main clause
*. Bila T.C didepan M.C maka ditambahkan comma setelah T.C.
E.g.: *. Irma was phoning me when her father called her.
                              Main clause                   time clause
*. Tanpa comma bila M.C didepan T.C.
*. When Irma’s  father called her        (Anak kalimat // Kejadian K2)
*. She was phoning me                         (Induk kalimat // Kejadian K1)

*. Dua aktivitas dimana kejadian 1 sdg berlangsung (P.Cont) dipotong dgn kejadian 2 (S.Past).
*. Untuk mengetahui K1 // K2 di lihat dari ( tenses ) – P. Cont (K1) & S. Past (K2).
*. Untuk mengetahui  I.K // A.K - Conj ( tiap kalimat yg di dahului dgn Conj berkedudukan sbg Anak Kalimat ).
*. Ada 2conj (While // When) – While + P.Cont & When + S. Past.
*. Rumus :  (While) =   #. While + P.Cont (K1 // A.K) + comma + S.Past (K2 // I.K)
                                      #. S.Past (K2 // I.K) + while + P.Cont (K1 // A.K)
                   (When) =   #. When + S.Past (K2 // A..K) + comma + P.Cont (K1 // I.K)
                                      #. P.Cont (K1 // I.K) + when + S.Past (K2 // A.K)

S. Past Vs S. Past

When + K1
After + K1
As soon as + K1
Before + K2
Until + K2

E.g.: *. When/ After/ As soon as the phone rang, my chick answered it
                              Time clause // K1                       main clause // K2
        *. My chick answered the phone when/ after/ as soon as it rang.
                      Main clause // K2                     time clause // K1
E.g.: *. Before my chick answered the phone, it rang.
                        Time clause // K2                      M.C // K1
E.g.: * The phone rang until my chick answered it.
                M.C // K1                   T.C // K2     
Past.  Perf Vs S. Past
      K1                  K2
When + K2 (S. Past)
Before + K2
Until + K2
By the time + K2
After + K1 (Pa.Perf)

E.g.:  When, Before, By the time I came there, Tono had already gone.
                                  T.C // K2                                    M.C // K1
E.g.: After Tono had already  gone, I came there.
                        T.C // K1                     M.C // K2

*. Bila Conj (After // Before) maka blh menggunakan (S. Past Vs S. Past // Past. Perf  Vs S. Past)sama arti.
E.g.: After I finished doing my work, I went to bed //  After I had finished doing my work, I went to bed.
Have the same meaning
E.g.: Before I went to bed, I finished doing my work // Before I went to bed, I had finished doing my work.
                Have the same meaning

Note: *. For farther information please open:        1. Michael Swan (page: 426- 428)
                                                                                 2. Blue Betty 2nd (Page: 24 and 39)
                                                                                 3. Blue Betty 3rd (page: 27 and 45)
                                                                                 4. Black Betty 2nd (page: 32 and 189)
                                                                                 5. Black Betty 3rd (page: 39, 48 and 113)
