- Blackboard : Papan tulis.
- Whiteboard : Papan tulis.
- Calender : Kalender.
- Map : Peta.
- Basket : Keranjang sampah.
- Globe : Bola dunia.
- Marker : Marker.
- Chalk : Kapur.
- Ruler : Penggaris.
- Vase : Vas bunga.
- Desk : Bangku.
- Chair : Kursi.
- Table : Meja.
- Clock : Jam (dinding).
- Fan : Kipas angin.
- Book : Buku.
- Pen : Pena.
- Pencil : Pensil.
- Feather duster : Kemoceng.
- Broom : Sapu.
- Pencil box : Kotak pensil.
- Bag : Tas.
- Chart : Daftar.
- Student : Murid.
- Teacher : Guru.
- Uniform : Seragam.
- Jurnal : Jurnal.
- Eraser : Penghapu (papan tulis).
- Pencil sharperner : Peruncing pensil.
- Correction pen : Tipe-X.
- Notebook : Buku catatan.
- Rack : Rak buku.
- Paper : Kertas.
- Attend list : Jangka.
- Compass : Daftar hadir.
- Picket list : Daftar piket.
- Let’s come to the class.
Ayo masuk kelas.
- Who is picket today?
Siapa yg piket hari ini?
- Throw the rubbish in the basket, please!
Buanglah sampah dikeranjang
- Erase the whiteboard, please!
Bersihkan papan tulisnya!
- Put your book on the rack!
Letakkan bukumu di rak!
- Payattention, please!
Tolong perhatikan!
- Listen carefully!
Dengarkan dngan baik!
- Write down on your book!
Tulislah dibukumu!
- Please, do by yourself!
Kerjakan sendiri!
- Hand in the paper!
Kumpulkan kertasnya!
- Open your book!
Buka bukumu!
- Close your book!
Tutup bukumu!
- Silent please!
- I’m sorry to interrupt sir/mum. Would you please reviewing the subject?
Permisi pak/bu, bisakah bapak/
ibu mengulas pelajaranya?
- Sir/mum, the description is still confused. Would you please make it clear?
Pak/bu, penjelasannya masih
membungungkan, tolong diperjelas.
- Have you memorized?
Sudah hafal?
- Excusme sir/mum I want to powder my nose! (ladies).
Permisi pak/bu, saya mau ke kamar
mandi! (putri).
- Excusme sir/mum, I want to wash my hand! (gantlement).
Permisi pak/bu, saya mau ke kamar
mandi! (putra).
- I have a stomachace.
Saya sakit perut.
- May I borrow your correction pen?
Bplehkah saya pinjam tipe-X mu?
- Have you done your homework?
Apakah PR mu sudah selesai?
- Come forward please!
Maju kedepan!
- Do you understand?
Sudah mengerti?
- Repeat after me!
Tirukan setelah saya!
- Don’t be crowded, please!
Jangan gaduh!
Ms.Lia : OK! Everybody
assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Students :
Waalaikumsalam Wr. Wb
Ms.Lia : Good evening.
Selamat malam.
Students :
good evening
Selamat malam.
Ms.Lia : Ok, everybody to make
our program run well let’s open our program togehter.
Ok! Teman-teman agar program kita berjalan
dengan lancar
mari kita buka program bersama.
Students :
Let’s open our program by praying Al-fatihah together.
Mari kita buka dengan membaca Al-fatihah
Ms.Lia : Today we are going to
study about tenses.
Hari ini kita akan belajar tentang tenses.
Desti :
OK! Ms.wea are ready.
OK! Ms.kita siap.
Ms.Lia : Now, open your book
page 23. About present continuous.
Sekarang buka bukunya halaman 23 tentang preent
Dinia : How many kinds of to be Ms.?
To be ada berapa
macam Ms.?
Ms.Niam :
to be there are 7.
To be ada 7.
Ms.Lia : But special for present
continuous there are 3.
Tetapi khusus utk present continuous ada 3.
Regina : What are they Ms.?
Apa saja
Ms.Ni’am :
there are is, am, are.
Ada is, am, dan are.
Ms.Lia : Do you understand
Mengerti anak-anak?
Desti :
Excusme Ms.I want to powder my nouse?
Maaf Ms.saya mau ke kamar kecil?
Ms.Lia : OK! Please...
Ya silahkan!
Ferisa : Ms. I don’t understand
about present continuous.
Ms.saya tdk paham tentang present
Dinia :
Would you mind to repeat once more?
Maukah anda mengulanginya lagi?
Ms.Ni’am :
OK! Silent and pay attention.
OK! Tenang dan perhatikan.
Ms.Lia : OK! Everybody repeat
after me....
setekah saya!
Students :
OK! Please.....
Ms.Ni’am :
Everyone, now please write down on your book!
Seakarang silahkan ditulis dibuku!
Ferisa : Finish Ms. We have done.
Sudah ms. Kita sudah selesai.
Desti :
Ms.Lia what is the meaning of “catch”?
Ms.Lia apa artinya “catch”?
Ms.Lia : Catch the meaning is
Artinya “menangkap”.
All of you, finished writting down?
sudah selesai menulisnya?
Students :
Finished...... (selesai)
Ms.Lia : So, now because our
time is over let’s close our program together!
Karena waktu kita sudah habis mari kita
tutup program bersama-sama!
Students :
Let’s close our program by praying hamdalah together.
Mari kita tutup programnya dengan membaca
hamdalah bersama-sama.
Ms.Ni’am :
thank you very much for joining our class.
Terimaksih banyak karena sudah mengikuti
kelas kita.
Ms.Lia : and the last I say,
wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Students A :
waalaikumsalam Wr. wb
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